Asian Carp Research and Technology Control Projects
The Asian Carp Control Strategy Framework (Framework) identifies numerous research and technology projects that are currently underway. The USGS, working with other Federal and state agencies through the Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee, is undertaking partner-driven research to meet management needs for Asian carp control. The ACRCC is actively and efficiently managing science and working toward direct transferability of invasive species control technology and methods across the nation. In addition, USGS and partners are working towards direct transfer of invasive species control technology and methods which can be tailored and applied to control Asian carp and other invasive species (e.g. mussels, snakehead). These activities include:
- Research on rapid genetic-based methods to detect Asian carp to allow for faster results than eDNA
- Identification and evaluation of multiple controls such as selective toxins and the hydro gun
- Risk assessment of Asian carp establishment based on habitat suitability and available food sources
- Risk assessment of interbasin transfer in the Chicago Area Waterway System
- Identification of Asian carp attraction pheromones and rapid new genetic-based detection methods
- Making progress on new science to understand and control carp
On February 12, 2011, over 60 scientists and managers involved in projects identified in the 2011 Framework and funded by the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative participated in the Asian Carp Science Meeting in Chicago, IL. The purpose of the meeting was to foster communication among scientists, increase awareness of the projects and activities being conducted, and identify additional opportunities for integration and collaboration. View presentations, project summaries, and the meeting agenda