U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service FONSI Nov 2009
Within the spirit and intent of the Council of Environmental Quality's regulations for implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other statutes, orders, and policies that protect fish and wildlife resources, I have established the following administrative record and have determined that the action of:
11 Funding the participation of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources in a five-day, multi-agency project to treat a 5.7 -mile section of the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal of the Illinois River system with rotenone; and;
21 Conducting spot-checks of areas upstream of the electrical-carp-barriers in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal for presence of Asian carp using small amounts of rotenone; is found not to have significant environmental effects as determined by the attached Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI).
Supporting documents (list):
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service FONSI
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Environmental Assessment
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' FONSI
- U.S. Army Corps O'f Engineers' Seven-Day Public Notice
- Illinois Department of Natural Resources' Comprehensive Environmental Review Process document