Additional vessel traffic restrictions announced for the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal in October
Restrictions support Illinois Department of Natural Resources’ fish sampling efforts there
To support the Illinois Department of Natural Resources’ plan to conduct intensive fish sampling efforts in the Lockport Pool, the U.S. Coast Guard expects to impose periodic waterway restrictions on the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal from October 19 through October 21. We recognize the challenges these restrictions pose to the waterway users, commercial and recreational, and the frustration some of you are feeling. We do not anticipate any additional restrictions related to Asian Carp prevention in October.
Why: During these times, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources will conduct intensive fish sampling efforts in the Lockport Pool, including the setting of nets throughout the canal. The purpose of this sampling is to provide an essential element of information for the fish suppression activity in support of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers maintenance of Barrier IIA.
Where: Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal from Lockport Lock and Dam to the Fish Barrier (MM 291-296.1).
When: During the following dates and times (central time), vessel traffic will not be allowed to pass:
- Oct 19 – 1600-2400 hours
- Oct 20 – 0001-1200 hours, then a four hour opening for traffic, closed again 1600-2400 hrs
- Oct 21 – 0001-1000
Details are subject to change, and we will be sure word gets out as soon as we know about them. If you have any questions on the vessel traffic restrictions, please call the U.S. Coast Guard Sector Lake Michigan Command Center at 414-747-7182. If you have questions concerning the Illinois Department of Natural Resources’ plan to conduct fish sampling operations, please call 217-299-7128.
- 04-11 Oct – Traffic prohibited 0700-1700 each day. (USACE installation of 2 “parasitic structures”)
- 13-15 Oct – Traffic prohibited 0700-1700 each day. (This restriction will only occur if the work scheduled for 04-11 Oct isn’t completed.)
- 19 Oct – 1600-2400 hours (IDNR fish sampling)
- 20 Oct – 0001-1200 hours, then a four hour opening for traffic, closed again 1600-2400 hrs (IDNR fish sampling)
- 21 Oct – 0001-1000 (IDNR fish sampling)
- 03-05 Nov – Traffic prohibited 0700-1700 each day. (3rd and final parasitic structure installation.)